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Covenants for Meadowbrook of Bonita Springs
2013 Rules and Regulations
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ACC Information

Meadowbrook is a DEED RESTRICTED community and one of the restrictions in the Governing Documents empowers the ACC to approve/reject many of the changes that you may want to do to the outside of your house and property.  Once the ACC has made their decision, the Board of Directors reviews it and can change the ACC decision with a two-thirds vote.

If you are considering a change to your property, contact Manuel Chambers (ACC chairperson) ... 734 854 1612 or or 23406 OMC.  If a formal Request will be required to be submitted to the ACC, a copy of the form may be obtained by clicking on "ACC FORM" at the bottom of this page.

The most common changes that DO require approval are: house painting (except front door or a repaint of your house with exactly the same color as previously approved), drive/walkways, significant landscaping, sprinkler wells, pool/cages, satellite dishes, screening, relocation of HVAC/pool heater/pool filter units, window/door/roof/walls/gutters, solar panels, free-standing flag poles, and more.

The most common type of changes that DO NOT require approval are:  modifications inside an existing pool cage, landscape replacement, small decorative yard-art, exterior lighting, like-for-like replacement of window/doors/roof/etc, front door painting and/or maintenance of the existing structure.  

When heavy equipment and/or materials are required to accomplish a change, a $1000 deposit may be required to ensure that any damage to the Meadowbrook common property is repaired in a timely and satisfactory manner.  The most common situations where a deposit may be required are for new sprinkler wells and paver installations which may damage the common sidewalk.

Please give our process time to work the ACC during your planning process so that an approval time crisis can be avoided.

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